What will happen to our digital identities after we pass away? An uncomfortable inarticulate silence answers this question aptly. Multiple Email IDs, Facebook profile, Instagram, Twitter, websites, blogs and million other individually password protected part identities that we create for expressing ourselves and to communicate with fellow digital Homo sapiens; what is their fate? Half a century later, there will be millions of dead profiles on Facebook. Imagine tumbling on a super hot guy/ babe and sending a friend request, only to find his/her wall posts that say Rest in Peace. How creepy is that?! Oh how many old people’s profiles will be up there! Because, mate, we will all be old and still posting our ramblings up there! The Digital Age and its downsides! I wish we arrive at a point where not having a digital identity becomes the new “cool”.  We are all sharing parts of us to be thieved, misused and intruded. Yes, there are umpteen advantages of them as well. They have definitely made our lives easier; but at the cost of what? Reduced life span, reduced brain usage and a million new diseases, especially ergonomic ones. Are they all worth our health, relationships and time?
I say, bring back the nineties. The chivalry. Courtship. Coffee dates. Occasional Rave. Throwing-the-head-in-the-air laughter instead of “haha” with a straight face. Old school thoughts. We are a repressed product of a buffer generation. We live in the delusion that we got the best of both worlds. But the reality is, we grew up only to discover that the nineties are well past us and we get called old school if we preferred coffee dates and text messages over Facetime. And then, drastically, one day we wake up to Nokia 1100. It did feel totally harmless. A telephone we can carry. We need not be home waiting for a trunk call anymore. Oh how handy! How portable! How magical! Before we knew it, smart phones walked in unannounced! Then frequent updates to make things “upgraded” for us. Services upon services! The world shrank. But the people didn’t come any closer. From food to camisole, everything arrives at our doorstep. Simultaneously, we didn’t have to meet him face to face to say ‘it’s over’. We can break his heart over a text, not even a voice call. How convenient yet how satanic! How easy it is to cheat on her! Just carry two phones with two different digital identities. You didn’t meet her. You didn’t touch her. Hence, technically you did not outrage her modesty. Yet you have the power within a few taps of your thumb tip reach, to hurt multiple people immensely. Oh that was just a casual chat, you see. No commitment! Words don’t have the same weight anymore. They have degraded to just inklessly typed alphabets. ‘Men of words’ and ‘Women of words’ are exponentially inching towards extinction. Promises don’t have the same gravity anymore. Broken vows are met with an emotionlessly typed, damage-control sorry.  What are we heading towards? Are we making digital creations or are the digital innovations making/ altering us?! What will become of us two decades from now? Only our digital images will remain. Our originality and individuality will be lost in the mindless decisions of our finger tips. We will be a generation that will be unable to hold a decent face to face conversation without the aid of Google or YouTube. How sorry does that sound?
I “type” this statement distressingly. I just wish we meet with graceful valetudinarianism instead of digital incapacitation.

Old soul.
